Website Sponsors

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Wednesdays | 11:00am-1:30pm

December 18 - March 19


During the winter months, the Edgewood Librarian would like to provide students with a weekly option of spending recess in the library. To support this effort, the PTO is looking for volunteers to supervise these indoor recess sessions. Volunteers will be asked to sit along side students as they come in from the cold to read, draw, do homework or play board/card games.


Follow this link to volunteer now: Winter Recess Library Volunteer


To maximize opportunities for the entire community, the PTO asks that families limit their volunteer selections to two. 


We appreciate your support!



The PTO is looking for volunteers to assist Lunch Solution staff in the distribution of smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe and Dessert Day treats. Volunteer sign up can be accessed by clicking the link below.



To maximize opportunities for the entire community,

the PTO asks that families take no more than two volunteer slots per session.

We appreciate your support!




Supporting the PTO through the purchase of an annual membership gives families full access to the PTO's website, including its Directory, and allows two family members use of the PTO mobile phone app.



Click the Link Below to Purchase Your Membership for 2024-25


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